Wine is a cultural asset and tradition

Moving Wine Worlds

The content of Weinmacher.TV can be received via so-called Smart TV Apps on various TV brands as well as via Amazon Fire TV. The video portal is supplemented by a shop that is available to winemakers to sell their wines.

Current videos

Willi el viticultor

Hola, mi nombre es Willi, y soy viticultor. Vivo con mi familia en un maravilloso viñedo. Aquí producimos deliciosos vinos que nos encantaría poder vender

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Our topics

WeinmacherTV portrays vintners, wines and wine regions but also restaurants and hotels. The variety of topics is rounded off by culinary tips, such as. Cheese & wine and artist portraits. The content can be viewed as an app for mobile devices, but also on TV as a Smart TV app.


Making wine is a craft that can look back on a long tradition. The winemaking profession has continued to develop over the centuries.
The knowledge of winemaking has been passed on and expanded from generation to generation. In exciting, very personal video portraits, we introduce selected protagonists of this now highly respected profession.
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The German wine-growing areas are among the northernmost wine-growing areas in the world. The local climate with distinct seasons ...
... significant day and night fluctuations and a relatively long vegetation period forms the basis for expressive wines.

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Cultural Matters

Wine connoisseurs are considered cultured people. Wine plays a major role in many areas of life, e.g. in literature.
Wines can best be enjoyed when you get involved with them, let them affect you like music, an exciting book or a good meal.
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Visit the most beautiful wine events with us and take a look behind the scenes of famous, but also lesser-known wineries.
Let the fascinating images of beautiful manors, vineyards and wonderful landscapes work on you, in which the wines mature and listen to the explanations of the winemakers, who present the special features of their wineries with great passion.
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Everything that touches the world of wine in the broadest sense, such as sparkling wine, brandy, but also cigars, chocolates, pastries, spices, salts, oils and vinegars finds its place in this section.
Everything that touches the world of wine in the broadest sense, such as sparkling wine, brandy, but also cigars, chocolates, pastries, spices, salts, oils and vinegars finds its place in this section.
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Shopping aids, tips for storing good wines, product knowledge, recommendations for tasting, reviews of wine books and interesting websites complete the portal.
Our “Wines / Sparkling Wine of the Month” section regularly presents you with a subjective selection of expressive wines and sparkling wines.
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The right wine from the video?

Take a look in our vinothek and discover many great wines from
the region in our extensive wine shop